22 October 2013

Done with 1/8 in Medical School and Now It's Sembreak

We're through with our first semester. But that's only 1/8 of our medical education. Seven semesters to go. But for now, it is our sembreak!

02 October 2013

5 Reasons Why It is a Not-So-Ordinary Wednesday

Wednesday is the "most relaxed" day in our week because we have more free time compared to the other weekdays wherein our only break is at lunchtime. But before I enumerate the reasons why this day is not-so-ordinary, here is what a typical Wednesday for me:

01 October 2013

And It's Already October

Sometimes when we are busy with so many things especially with studies, we do not realize that time goes fast. So fast that we think that it runs away from us! And the more we tend to be busy, the more we feel that it runs faster and faster away from us.

30 September 2013

Oooppps! Sorry, Doc!

I had the opportunity to dissect human eyes today. And I was the only one brave enough or maybe the only one curious enough (or the only 'pasaway' in class) who did the dissection. What a privilege it was!

22 July 2013

Have a Hobby to be Happy

It's our prelims this week. We had our gross anatomy exam earlier this day and we have five more exams lined up for this week. I'm supposed to be reviewing and looking at my notes but one more look would make me puke. (Oh, what a lousy rhyme! Just like the title) I need a break! So, here I am blogging again, my newest hobby which makes me happy.

14 July 2013

Our Anatomy Professor Called Me an A**hole for Being Idealistic

I know, you're probably thinking and asking...

You were called an a**hole?!?!?
Why would someone call you that?
Did you do or say something stupid in class?
You've got to be joking!

08 July 2013

First Month in Medical School: The Transition Stage

Today is July 8, 2013. Almost a month has gone since my first day in medical school. In two days, I will be celebrating my first month as a lifelong learner of medicine and health. I know, it seems silly, but hey, I feel the need to celebrate despite having encountered some difficulties as a medical student.